Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta orci ut nisi laoreet, eget hendrerit nisi sagittis. Nam rutrum, arcu vel pellentesque interdum, risus est sodales purus, sit amet congue felis felis non metus. Aliquam nunc ante, venenatis facilisis scelerisque in, vehicula sit amet mauris. Curabitur tempor ullamcorper porta. Quisque et massa in massa ullamcorpe .

 Consectetur id vel elit. Etiam eleifend urna ac mauris sollicitudin, eget porta enim fringilla. Morbi ultricies orci a bibendum varius. Nulla facilisi. Aenean sagittis pharetra augue, quis viverra leo fermentum consectetur. Pellentesque viverra dui vitae nisl blandit eleifend. Nam laoreet semper felis at luctus. Quisque eget commodo magna.

 Maecenas consequat quis magna pellentesque tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque lacus sapien, suscipit a malesuada et, laoreet et eros. Mauris malesuada aliquet odio, in vulputate magna commodo sed. Phasellus non pretium elit. 


Introducing JennAi, the first 24/7 AI Voice Receptionist and Sales Rep

She creates conversation, drives traffic, closes sales, follows-up, upsells your services, schedules appointments, forwards calls and much more, all while you sleep.

She can instantly replace receptionists, and sales teams without having to be managed, motivated or given healthcare benefits.

She’s the world’s hungriest employee, and it makes your sales and marketing just work. 

Experience demo below...
Introducing JennAi, the first 24/7 AI Voice Receptionist and Sales Rep. 

She creates conversation, drives traffic, closes sales, follows-up, upsells your services, schedules appointments, forwards calls and much more, all while you sleep.

She can instantly replace receptionists, and sales teams without having to be managed, motivated or given healthcare benefits.

She’s the world’s hungriest employee, and it makes your sales and marketing just work. Experience demo below...
JennAi: The Sales & Marketing Agent 
with a Human Touch
Discover the fusion of AI capabilities and human-like connections.
Learns: All your services, pricing, promos, etc. in 5min. 
Availability: Answers 24/7, always with a smile, the way you want.
Abilities: Can take notes, book appointments, qualifies leads, notify team members, customer support, anything you need. 
Integrations: Updates CRM, Calendars, etc. 
Persona: Control her personality, accent, speed of conversation.
Channels: Comes with a phone number and/or website embed!
JennAi: The Sales & Marketing Agent 
with a Human Touch
Discover the fusion of AI capabilities and human-like connections.
Learning: Learns all your services, pricing, promos, etc. in 5min. 
Availability: Answers 24/7, always with a smile, the way you want.
Abilities: Can take notes, book appointments, qualifies leads, notify team members, customer support, anything you need. 
Integrations: Updates CRM, Calendars, etc. 
Persona: Control her personality, accent, speed of conversation.
Channels: Comes with a phone number and/or website embed!
JennAi: The Sales & Marketing Agent 
with a Human Touch
Discover the fusion of AI capabilities and human-like connections.
Learning: Learns all your services, pricing, promos, etc. in 5min. 
Availability: Answers 24/7, always with a smile, the way you want.
Abilities: Can take notes, book appointments, qualifies leads, notify team members, customer support, anything you need. 
Integrations: Updates CRM, Calendars, etc. 
Persona: Control her personality, accent, speed of conversation.
Channels: Comes with a phone number and/or website embed!
JennAi: The Sales & Marketing Agent 
with a Human Touch
Discover the fusion of AI capabilities and human-like connections.
Learning: Learns all your services, pricing, promos, etc. in 5min. 
Availability: Answers 24/7, always with a smile, the way you want.
Abilities: Can take notes, book appointments, qualifies leads, notify team members, customer support, anything you need. 
Integrations: Updates CRM, Calendars, etc. 
Persona: Control her personality, accent, speed of conversation.
Channels: Comes with a phone number and/or website embed!

Boost Traffic With JennAi

JennAi excels as a proficient traffic generator by self-curating conversation tailored across your website and social platforms. This elevates online visibility, amplifies social media-driven traffic, and enhances search rankings.

Transform Traffic Into Leads 
Via JennAi

JennAi transcends your ordinary website into a sales agent. Harnessing advanced AI prowess, JennAi identifies and enacts optimal strategies to morph your website visitors into hot leads.

Convert Leads To Confirmed Appointments Using JennAi

JennAi propels lead conversations to new heights. Employing cutting-edge AI capabilities, JennAi orchestrates follow-ups, seamlessly turning prospects into scheduled appointments. This multifaceted approach optimizes client sales journey and expedites business growth.

JennAi: The Sales Agent 
with a Human Touch
Discover the fusion of AI capabilities and human-like connections.
Learning: Learns all your services, pricing, promos, etc. in 5min. 
Availability: Answers 24/7, always with a smile, the way you want.
Abilities: Can take notes, book appointments, qualifies leads, notify team members, customer support, anything you need. 
Integrations: Updates CRM, Calendars, etc. 
Persona: Control her personality, accent, speed of conversation.
Channels: Comes with a phone number and/or website embed!

Boost Traffic With JennAi

JennAi excels as a proficient traffic generator by self-curating conversation tailored across your website and social platforms. This elevates online visibility, amplifies social media-driven traffic, and enhances search rankings.

Transform Traffic Into Leads 
Via JennAi

JennAi transcends your ordinary website into a sales agent. Harnessing advanced AI prowess, JennAi identifies and enacts optimal strategies to morph your website visitors into hot leads.

Convert Leads To Confirmed Appointments Using JennAi

JennAi propels lead conversations to new heights. Employing cutting-edge AI capabilities, JennAi orchestrates follow-ups, seamlessly turning prospects into scheduled appointments. This multifaceted approach optimizes client sales journey and expedites business growth.


Enabling JennAi: Your Journey To Peak Sales Performance

Four Simple Steps to Empower Your Business with AI-Infused Sales and Marketing Proficiency


Enabling JennAi: Your Journey To Peak Sales Performance

Four Simple Steps to Empower Your Business with AI-Infused Sales and Marketing Proficiency

Engage Genuine Conversations

Embark on the future with JennAi. Elevate customer interactions as JennAi skillfully transforms intricate requests into captivating conversations.

Elevate Your Sales Game

Amplify sales success through JennAi, your AI-driven sales virtuoso. Channeling the expertise of top sales professionals, JennAi swiftly converts leads into invaluable appointments.

Immediately Forge Trust

Cultivate customer trust with JennAi. Spotlighting accomplishments and positive feedback, JennAi constructs a robust bridge of trust between your business and potential clients.

Platform Integration

JennAi's integrates with all CRMs, Calendars, etc.

Multiple Languages

Coming Soon.

Instant Set Up

Seamlessly embed JennAi into your website to redefine customer interactions via speaking (not texting) to customers!
Demo JennAi in Action:
(603) 945-0025
Try Our FREE AI Phone Rep ROI Calculator: 
Compare your potential monthly revenue with and without the use of our AI Phone service. 
Witness ClickStart AI in Action: 

*Write full URL including HTTPS:// - e.g. https://www.domain.com

Demo JennAi in Action:
(603) 945-0025
Try Our FREE AI Phone Rep ROI Calculator: 
Compare your potential monthly revenue with and without the use of our AI Phone service. 
Next Steps...
At ClickStart, every call we do comes from a place of help.
You'll walk away with a more clear understanding of your next steps --- no strings attached. 

Choose a date, answer a few questions (helps keep call to 15mins) so we can spot opportunities
for you and then you're all set to move to a Strategy Call (or Clarity Call) with us!
Next Steps...
At ClickStart, every call we do 
comes from a place of help.

You'll always walk away with a more clear understanding of your next steps 
--- no strings attached. 

Choose a date, answer a few questions (helps keep call to 15mins
so we can spot opportunities for you.
That's It. 
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